Saturday, March 28, 2015

How Virtual Typing Service Companies are helping Startup businesses

Hello Readers,

Every day hundreds of startups enter the global business market. However a fraction of these startups will succeed to become a successful business. What about the rest? Most of the other startups will close down within one to one and a half years of opening up.  A recent study has indicated that majority of the startups fail because of improper execution, lack of a skilled team, improper product or service choice, and they run out of cash or could not receive further funding.

How can typing services help online startups?

It's understandable how crucial the first couple of years are in a startups business life cycle especially when it comes to cash management. Saving costs and having minimum expenses is the most important thing for a startup.Here's how on online typing service company similar to is extending its help to online startups.

Making typing services available at cheap rates

Most online transcriber services charge upwards of a dollar per minute. However our rates are approximately 25 percent than the industry average. A cost saving of 25 percent can be a significant on a cumulative basis in the long run. typing services rates start at $0.85 per minute of audio. So transcribing a 60 minute audio file will cost only 51 dollars (US).

Online startups might need to hire a typing service for transcribing interviews, meetings, conference calls, Skype calls and even promotional materials such as Youtube videos, Facebook videos etc. During the initial phase hiring a cheaper typing service can help startups save funds.  

Non Disclosure Agreement form at no Extra cost Transcription Services provides a template of Non Disclosure Agreement form to its client for free. Clients and customers can choose to customize the NDA template as per their own specifications. Customers then send in their NDA form to We will the agreement form and send back the scanned copy of the document along with any other forms such as ID proof if desired. 

All the NDA forms are available for free of cost for all's  customers. 

What plans do we have for 2015?

In the past couple of months we have received valuable feedback regarding how typing service companies can help small businesses and online startups. Some of these ideas are:

1. Provide free transcription services for the first 2 hours.
2. Launch a discount scheme package specially for startups.
3. Free And Honest Product/Service Feedback For Startups: Though this is a tricky but this is under consideration. We can trial services that the startups offers if it is relevant to us. For example a startup making a an enterprise software similar to SAP could be beneficial for us. We can trial the software and provide valuable feedback on the same. The same is true for analytics software, light graphics design, and services related to online marketing, SEO, and online advertising campaigns.  

So why do startups fail recently come out with a 20 point listas to why do startups fail. The number # 1 reason which topped the list by a good margin, was "No market need of product or service". The second reason went to "Startups ran out of funds too soon" and the third reason was "Lack of a team" 

Top reasons why startups fail.

We totally agree with the same and can understand how if these top three reasons are taken care of the battle to becoming a successful business can be won. 

3 Most promising startups of 2015 : An enterprise App for group chat, file sharing and much more!  This company has already received a funding of $180 million from various sources. 


Kytabu: This Kenyan startup is targeting the education industry in Africa region. They have digitized books used by African education system where users can buy a portion of the book or the book in whole. Very interesting! 

Kytabu, Kenya

Cyber Dust: Imagine an app that destroys your chat messages after 30 seconds so that your messages never get stolen by any anonymous hacker group or gets leaked out. This app does exactly that. The app is owned by Shark Tanks' Mark Cuban.

Cyber Dust owned by Mark Kuban

Australian startups to watch out for: Here is a list of some promising Australian startups to watch out for in 2015.

Canadian startups: And a list of Vancouver based startups as well.


If you are a startup and might be in need of an transcriber service in the near future, then do contact us at our website And do not forget to mention that you are a startup company. We will be happy to help in any way by extending our services in the best way possible. 

Till next time, 

Thanks, Team.
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